While I was getting my guitar rig ready for the Tonight Show the other day I made this brief video to explain my restoration work to the Hendrix/Zappa strat.

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Wayne O.

I know a friend who knows this Hendrix/Zappa strat and he was amazing, I am jealous that I can't play a guitar. https://www.garlandcleaningservices.com/ is the best cleaning service provider in Garland,Tx

Breana M.

Thanks for sharing this great post. dog park waste station

Luth L.

Wow! You really make time to share with us how you restore your Hendrix. Thanks!

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Maddison T.

I was looking into restoration works for the Hendrix/Zappa strat stuff for some time now. Thank you for helping!

Madison here of Pro Oxnard Concrete

Olivia P.

Thank you for sharing how you restore it. Great video! Keep us updated for more videos. 

Regards | propane generator

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